The 071 Class
Date 14-11-2011

This Locomotive was Introduced to the Irish Rail Network
 in 1976, and was mainly used on Express Passengers
Services from Dublin to the South and West of the Country,
and between Dublin and Belfast...
(Also used on the Rosslare Europort to Dublin...)

Number Series - 071 -- 088. Weight 99 Tons...
Length - 57 feet. The Engine is a GM 12 cylinder
two stroke turbo charged, giving 2,450 HP at 900 rpm...

The Loco is fitted for Multiple Working, but this facility
was not used because of the weight of the Locomotive...

Picture - Loco 008 shunting at the New
Railway Station in Rosslare Europort on the 29-10-2008,
the Loco had arrived with Ballast Wagons with New Rails...

Web Page (C) RPN 2011